Ionian University

Partners Ionian University


Parent Title: Partners

Following a history of over 10 years, the Humanistic & Social Informatics Laboratory was officially founded in February 2019 (Official Government Gazette of the Hellenic Republic, O.G.G. 273/B/07.02.2019) and its scope covers applied computing and informatics. The lab focuses on the one hand on the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to the extraction, representation and processing of humanistic and social data that is derived from the respective scientific and artistic areas, like psychology, linguistics, history, archaeology, philosophy, anthropology, social studies, music and arts. On the other hand, it employs methodologies adapted from these scientific and artistic areas in order to supply ICT products and services with optimum quality and a human-centered perspective.

The Lab members' interests lie within educational, research and development activities in the areas of cultural informatics, music informatics, history informatics, computational linguistics, game software design and development, multimedia, virtual reality, image processing, ICT in education, knowledge representation and management, computer-supported cooperative systems, ubiquitous computing, digital media, semantic space modeling, web sentiment analysis, and the Semantic Web. The Lab has acquired more than 1.5M € in past R&D national and European projects' funding, while it is currently managing ongoing funding activities of approx. 1M €.

More info on the Lab's activities can be found at its homepage: